Our company is located in the National Park Balaton - Felvidéki. A park which is well known for its flora and fauna. Thanks to the fertile soil, it is an ideal place for growing fruit. The trees are fed with water from the Pannon layer. Almakúti means "apple source", which seems a very appropriate choice.
Up to 1995 the land was used by the local cooperative as arable farmland. One part of the area which was not being used, was brought under cultivation by us. In the spring of 1996, a team of Hungarian employees, under the leadership of a Dutch manager, began cultivating the land. The ground was dug to a depth of around 80 cm in order to improve water absorption. Next, the soil was ploughed and conditioned to make it suitable for planting fruit trees. The old drainage channels that had fallen into serious disrepair were restored and extended. Parts of the terrain, which were extremely wet, were drained. A wildlife fence, 2.2 metres high and 7 km long, was erected around the area comprising of around 100 acres. The entire area has also been fitted with a network of roadways that divide it into plots 2 to 3 acres in size.
The experience of recent years has taught us that the area and the climate are suitable for producing a European top quality fruit. The land and the many hours of sunshine provide a tasteful well-coloured fruit with a high sugar content and high hardness.